Tuesday, September 6, 2022

USDA Crop Progress Report - Steady on Corn and Soybean Conditions

OMAHA (DTN) -- Corn and soybean conditions held steady, USDA NASS reported in its weekly Crop Progress report released Tuesday, Sept. 6. The report is normally released on Mondays but was delayed this week due to the Labor Day holiday.

The percentage of corn reaching maturity was just 3 percentage points behind the five-year average, while the percentage of soybeans dropping leaves was four percentage points behind the average pace, NASS claimed.


-- Crop development: Corn in the dough stage was estimated at 92%, 1 percentage point behind the five-year average. Corn dented was estimated at 63%, 4 percentage points behind the average. Corn mature was estimated at 15%, 3 percentage points behind the five-year average.

-- Crop condition: 54% of corn was rated in good-to-excellent condition, steady with the previous week and 5 percentage points below last year's rating of 59%. The current rating is the sixth lowest going back to 2000, according to DTN Lead Analyst Todd Hultman. "The 5-point declines seen in North Dakota and Pennsylvania were offset by a 5-point gain in Tennessee and smaller gains in other states," Hultman said.


-- Crop development: 94% of soybeans were setting pods, 2 percentage points behind the five-year average. Ten percent of soybeans were dropping leaves, 7 percentage points behind last year's 17% and 4 percentage points behind the five-year average.

-- Crop condition: 57% of soybeans were rated in good-to-excellent condition, unchanged from the previous week and the same as last year's rating at this time. "Louisiana and Mississippi saw bid declines in ratings last week, offset by gains in numerous other states," Hultman said.


-- Harvest progress: Spring wheat harvest moved ahead 21 percentage points last week to reach 71% complete last week. That is 23 percentage points behind last year's 86% and 12 percentage points behind the five-year average of 71%. "The major producing states are lagging, with Minnesota at 54% done versus a 90% average, and North Dakota is 62% harvested compared to the average of 80%," DTN Senior Analyst Dana Mantini said.

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