Monday, April 24, 2023

USDA Crop Progress Report - Corn 14% Planted, Soybeans 9% Planted

OMAHA (DTN) -- Despite colder, wetter weather, U.S. farmers pushed ahead with row-crop planting last week, keeping planting progress for both crops ahead of the average pace, USDA NASS reported in its weekly Crop Progress Report on Monday.


-- Planting progress: Nationwide, corn planting moved ahead 6 percentage points last week to reach 14% as of Sunday, April 23. That is 7 percentage points ahead of last year and 3 percentage points ahead of the five-year average of 11%. Notable states: The top two corn-producing states of Iowa and Illinois were 10% and 18% planted, respectively, noted DTN Senior Analyst Dana Mantini. Missouri was 58% planted, with Texas at 72%.

-- Crop progress: 3% of corn had emerged as of Sunday, slightly ahead of 2% for both last year and the five-year average.


-- Planting progress: Soybean planting moved ahead 5 percentage points last week to reach 9% as of Sunday, 6 percentage points ahead of last year's 3% and 5 points ahead of the five-year average of 4%. Notable states: Illinois was 15% planted, and Iowa was 5% planted. Louisiana was at 41% and Mississippi at 34% planted -- both well ahead of average, Mantini noted.


-- Crop condition: Nationwide, winter wheat was rated 26% good to excellent, down 1 percentage from 27% good to excellent the previous week and the lowest in over three decades. "Forty-one percent of the crop is rated very poor to poor -- up 2 points from a week ago," Mantini said. "The crop in Kansas is 14% good to excellent with 62% poor to very poor. Texas and Oklahoma are just 14% and 6% good to excellent, with 63% of Oklahoma and 55% of Texas in poor to very poor condition. Soft red states Indiana and Illinois had 76% and 78% of the crop rated good to excellent, respectively."

-- Crop development: 18% of winter wheat was headed nationwide as of Sunday, up 8 percentage points from the previous week and 4 percentage points ahead of the five-year average of 14%.


-- Planting progress: 5% of the spring wheat crop was planted as of Sunday, down from the five-year average of 12%. Notable states: "Montana was only 5% planted, North Dakota was just 1% and Minnesota has not begun to plant," Mantini said.

-- Crop progress: Just 1% of spring wheat was emerged as of Sunday, behind the five-year average of 3%.


Below-normal temperatures will be the theme again the rest of this week, said DTN Ag Meteorologist John Baranick.

"An upper-level low east of the Rockies already led to widespread frosts over the weekend and early this week," Baranick said. "It will be reinforced by two more troughs this week that should keep temperatures down and below normal for this time of year. This will make it more difficult for soil temperatures to increase and get producers thinking about planting and fieldwork, especially across northern zones.

"The two troughs will also bring precipitation across the country this week that will be important. The first will bring scattered rain to the Southern Plains drought areas. It may or may not be helpful for wheat, but certainly will put a pause on the troubles that have been in place for such a long time across the region. Pastures and spring crops will benefit the most. The system then tracks almost due east with widespread rain and thunderstorms across the southern half of the country.

"The second system will track a bit farther north but will spread showers across much of the area east of the Rockies, including a second round possible for the southwestern Plains drought areas. Though cold, this second wave is more likely to be rain than any significant snow, though models may change their mind. It will also be a slow mover, taking until early next week to push east through the country. While some areas may enjoy improved soil moisture, it will likely limit planting progress."

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