Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Crop Progress - State Stories

IDAHO: The average temperatures in Idaho were above normal for the month of December. Accumulated precipitation was normal to below normal across the majority of Idaho, with parts of southeast Idaho slightly above normal. In northern Idaho, unusually warm weather and little moisture was reported. In Elmore and Owyhee Counties, all crops had been harvested. Subsoil moisture appeared deficient with frozen topsoil. An absence of measurable snow was reported at low to mid elevations. Beef cattle started to calve with favorable conditions. Jerome and Twin Falls Counties reported warm and dry conditions for the month, with some concern about the lack of winter moisture accumulation. Field activities included hauling manure from dairies to fields. Blaine County reported dry conditions which allowed livestock to graze longer into the winter months than normal. Bonneville and Madison Counties reported reservoir levels were good with an adequate snowpack. Hay stocks were adequate. Northeast Idaho had higher than normal temperatures with low snowfall for the year. 

MONTANA: This report for Montana is for the entire month of December 2023. Topsoil moisture 46% very short, 33% short, 21% adequate. Subsoil moisture 48% very short, 31% short, 21% adequate. Winter wheat condition 8% very poor, 13% poor, 36% fair, 26% good, 17% excellent. Winter wheat wind damage 24% moderate, 3% light, 73% none. Winter wheat freeze damage 27% light, 73% none. Snow cover 87% very poor, 10% poor, 1% fair, 2% good. Pasture and range condition 36% very poor, 24% poor, 17% fair, 21% good, 2% excellent. Grazing accessibility 87% open, 5% difficult, 8% closed. Cattle receiving supplemental feed 73%. Sheep receiving supplemental feed 72%. The month of December brought above average temperatures and mostly below normal precipitation to Montana. Data from the High Plains Regional Climate Center (HPRCC) indicate that temperatures ran about 6 degrees above average in the west, and as much as 12-15 degrees above average moving north and east. Moisture received was about 0.75 inch below average to normal for the majority of Montana. In some parts of the northwest, moisture levels were as much as 1.5 inches or more below normal. Only isolated areas of the State received precipitation levels that were slightly above normal. Drought conditions changed significantly according to the U.S. Drought Monitor report released on December 28, 2023. The amount of land rated drought free fell to 44 percent, compared to 61 percent as reported on November 30. Abnormal dryness was found in 37 percent of Montana, compared to 26 percent on the same November release. Moderate drought stood at 16 percent, and severe drought was found in 3 percent of the State. These conditions were rated 8 and 5 percent, respectively, at the end of November. No major snow events have occurred in Broadwater County since October. The winter thus far has been very mild, especially as compared to last December. Producers were concerned about the future effects of the lack of moisture on the upcoming season. Temperatures were running well above normal in Mineral, Missoula, and Ravalli Counties. Moisture levels were below normal. Snowpack in Ravalli County was reportedly 40 percent of normal. Foggy conditions and inversions occurred in Northern Ravalli County, and in parts of Missoula County. Livestock were doing well for this time of year. There was, however, a report of a wolf attack in Ravalli County that resulted in the death of a cow. Lack of moisture remained a concern for the new irrigation season. A reporter from Valley County also indicated that the winter has so far been mild, and moisture was needed. 

NEVADA: For the week ending December 31, 2023 - Days suitable for fieldwork 7.0. Topsoil moisture 10% very short, 45% short, and 45% adequate. Subsoil moisture 35% short, 65% adequate. Pasture and range condition 55% poor and 45% fair. There was little to no precipitation during the month. The US Drought Monitor showed nearly 95% of the State had zero precipitation for the entire month. Temperatures remained normal to slightly above normal. 

OREGON: Temperatures throughout the State were above average for the month of December. Moisture conditions throughout the State ranged from dry to wet for December. Columbia, Multnomah, and Washington Counties reported below average rainfall, but sufficient for fall planted crops. Pastures were in good condition headed into the fall. Nursery and berry crops were also reported in good condition. Benton and Lincoln Counties reported that rainfall was lower than average throughout the month with mild temperatures. However, there were a few large storms that brought roughly 10 inches of rain within a few days and caused some localized flooding. There were no days reported with snow and a few days of freezing temperatures. Many livestock producers were operating under a feed shortage due to the summer drought and some operators sold livestock if they were not able to acquire enough hay to last through the winter. Clatsop and Tillamook Counties reported that manure was spread as a necessity due to tank overfill. The rain and temperatures were reported to be average. Hood River, Sherman, and Wasco Counties reported warmer than normal temperatures for this time of year with a fair amount of precipitation. Livestock were doing well in the warmer temperatures and required less supplemental hay. Morrow County reported that December rainfall wet the seed-zone adequately. Mountain snow was limited and much less than last year. Baker and Grant Counties reported warm temperatures and very little snow compared to normal years. Umatilla County reported precipitation was well below average, and temperatures were above average, with snowpack in the Blue Mountains far below average for this time of year. Crops and livestock were doing well so far this season. Douglas, Jackson, and Josephine Counties reported that pasture had ample water supply, steady rain, and average grazing conditions. Malheur County reported less than average precipitation with snow levels below average for this time of year. Temperatures were consistently above average which left the valley floors free of snow. Foggy conditions with high pressure systems created poor air quality for a portion of the month. 

UTAH: This report for Utah is for the entire month of December 2023. Topsoil moisture 5% very short, 7% short, 77% adequate, 11% surplus. Subsoil moisture 1% very short, 10% short, 79% adequate, 10% surplus. Pasture and range condition 1% poor, 12% fair, 85% good, 2% excellent. Winter wheat condition 24% fair, 68% good, 8% excellent. Hay and roughage supplies 1% short, 63% adequate, 36% surplus. Stock water supplies 1% very short, 1% short, 74% adequate, 24% surplus. Cattle and calves condition 10% fair, 75% good, 15% excellent. Sheep and lambs condition 15% fair, 67% good, 18% excellent. Livestock receiving supplemental feed for cattle 65%. Livestock receiving supplemental feed for sheep 54%. Cows calved 1%. As of December 31, 2023, snowpack in Utah was 68 percent measured as percent of median snowfall. Beaver, Box Elder, Cache, and Grand Counties noted mild warm weather along with limited moisture. Beaver and Box Elders Counties noted that livestock producers were still grazing cattle instead of feeding hay due to mild weather. Box Elder County reports lack of snow cover for winter wheat before upcoming colder weather. 

WASHINGTON: Washington experienced warmer than average temperatures across the State. Accumulated precipitation varied from below average in western Washington to slightly above average in eastern Washington. Skagit County has had a mild winter to date and winter crops looked good. Whatcom County was drier than normal. Klickitat and Yakima Counties were warmer than normal with not many nights below freezing. A small amount of snow was received towards the end of the month, followed by rain. Fall seeding was halted due to wet fields. Many cattle were moved to feedlots for the winter, with any on pasture being heavily supplemented. Vegetable and fruit producers used the mild winter to clean up and prepare fields, orchards, vineyards and hopyards for next season. Tree and vine pruning activities took place over the month. Okanogan County reported a lack of snow cover and warmer than normal temperatures. Pend Oreille and Spokane Counties have had a mild winter to date. Some cattle were observed grazing. Winter crops looked to be in fair condition. Mild weather was reported, with no unusual weather systems for Grant County. Adams and Lincoln Counties experienced warmer than normal temperatures with good precipitation for the month. Asotin and Garfield Counties received a lot of rain with some snow at high elevations. 

WYOMING: This report for Wyoming is for the entire month of December 2023. Topsoil moisture 12% very short, 34% short, 53% adequate, 1% surplus. Subsoil moisture 17% very short, 40% short, 43% adequate. Winter wheat condition 7% very poor, 7% poor, 53% fair, 32% good, 1 percent excellent. Hay and roughage supplies 1% very short, 12% short, 86% adequate, 1 percent surplus. Livestock condition 1% very poor, 1% poor, 2% fair, 85% good, 11% excellent. Stock water supplies 3% very short, 11% short, 86% adequate. Pasture and range condition 4% very poor, 8% poor, 33% fair, 51% good, 4% surplus. Wyoming received little relief from the ongoing drought conditions during the month of December, according to the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. Rainfall was scattered and total accumulations varied, ranging from a trace to as much as 4 inches during the month, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Some areas received no measurable rainfall. Temperatures ran above normal for most of the State, ranging from no change to 8 degrees above average. There was little change in drought conditions during December according to the United States Drought Monitor report published on December 26, 2023. The amount of land rated drought free equaled 75 percent, compared with 88 percent on November 28, 2023. Abnormally dry conditions covered 22 percent of Wyoming, and moderate drought was found in 3 percent. Reports from Goshen County indicated the dry conditions have been favorable for cattle on feed. Platte County reporters noted little moisture received in the last month, with unseasonably warm weather for this time of year.

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