Monday, April 29, 2024

USDA Weekly Crop Progress Report - Corn 23% Planted, Soybeans 16% Planted; Winter Wheat Condition Drops 1 Point

OMAHA (DTN) -- Corn planting bumped up to 27% of the country's expected planting, five percentage points higher than the five-year planting average, USDA NASS said in its weekly Crop Progress report on Monday.

Soybean planting also is moving ahead of its five-year average over the past week.

A stretch of wetter weather that hit several regions of the country could lead to some row-crop planting facing delays over the next week.


-- Planting progress: Corn planting moved ahead 4 percentage points last week to reach 27% complete nationwide as of Sunday. That's now four points ahead of the five-year average of 22%.

-- Crop development: 7% of corn was emerged as of Sunday, two points ahead of both last year and three points above the five-year average of 4%.


-- Planting progress: 18% of soybeans were planted nationwide as of Sunday. That is two points ahead of last year's pace and is 8 percentage points ahead of the five-year average of 10%.


-- Crop development: 30% of winter wheat was headed as of Sunday. That is seven points ahead of 23% at this time last year and nine points ahead of the five-year average of 21%.

-- Crop condition: 49% of the crop was rated in good-to-excellent condition, down 1 point from 50% the previous week but still considerably higher than 30% a year ago. Sixteen percent of the crop was rated very poor to poor, down from 43% a year ago.


-- Planting progress: 34% of spring wheat was planted as of Sunday, 24 points ahead of 10% last year and 15 points ahead of the five-year average of 19%.

-- Crop development: 5% of spring wheat was emerged, three points ahead of 2% last year and equal to the five-year average of 3%.


Recovering from the rains over the weekend, Farmers in several areas of the country may have to wait for fieldwork this week, according to DTN Ag Meteorologist John Baranick.

"It was very wet over the middle of the country this past weekend, as two storm systems brought a lot of rain and severe weather. The rain was excessive, especially in eastern Kansas and Missouri that saw streaks of 6-10" of rain," Baranick noted.

Planting progress will undoubtedly slow this week in many areas that have seen too much. Other areas that haven't may find delays as well as we see two or three more storm systems moving through over the next week. More heavy rain and severe weather will be on tap in this active pattern.

The southwestern Plains HRW wheat areas have been unfortunate in that rainfall has been scarce in this active pattern. With a storm track mostly north of Kansas, it has been hard to wrap in a bunch of moisture across much of the landscape, leaving these areas with mostly spotty rain that when it has happened, has been met with some larger hail. That again looks to be the case this next week as well and will likely turn HRW wheat conditions lower.

National Crop Progress Summary
This Last Last 5-Year
Week Week Year Avg.
Corn Planted 27 12 23 22
Corn Emerged 7 3 5 4
Soybeans Planted 18 8 16 10
Cotton Planted 15 11 14 14
Winter Wheat Headed 30 17 23 21
Spring Wheat Planted 34 15 10 19
Spring Wheat Emerged 5 2 2 5
Sorghum Planted 19 17 20 20
Oats Planted 63 51 47 51
Oats Emerged 42 35 32 34
Barley Planted 35 24 16 29
Barley Emerged 6 2 2 8
Rice Planted 72 59 60 46
Rice Emerged 48 33 36 28

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